The Get to Know Me Tag (Writer’s Edition)

Y’all, this tag looks very intimidating. XD Why then did I think it looked fun? (Honestly not sure… though I’m not sure why I think a lot of things looks fun.) But, hey, I’m going for it. Hope it goes well and that you all like it! XD Here goes nothing…

the rules:

  • link back to the tag creator {That would be Savannah Grace}
  • thank the person who tagged you {I wasn’t actually tagged but I found the post on Deigan Marie’s blog so thanks, Deigan!} share the tag graphic {optional}
  • tag 11 bloggers

vital stats & appearance:

(Pen) Name: Allyson Jamison

Birthday: 🤐 (I’ll just go ahead and keep the same emoji Deigan had in her post. XD)

Hair color and length: My hair is dark brown and currently goes a little past my waist. (I believe the green tips are finally gone…)

Eye Color: Hazel? Brown? Honestly not sure. XD

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: I had braces but thankfully don’t anymore, my ears are pierced, and, no, I will never have a tattoo.

Righty or Lefty: I’m right-handed though I’ve tried before to be ambidextrous… that’s still a work in progress.

Ethnicity: I’m an American.


First Novel Written: I thought it was writer’s unspoken lingo never to mention your first novel?? XD Ugh. Let’s just say mine was really, really bad… (It was kind of an odd mixture of A Little Princess and Anne of Green Gables I think, though not in a good way.)

First Novel Completed: Hmm. So the first one I completed was the one I mentioned above I guess. Though it was reallllllly short so I don’t know how “completed” it was. The first CWW (Crazy Writing Week) was when I would say I finished my first novel. It was a novella, but still, it was my first completed project that made me feel really proud of myself. It was a super fun story about a knight, an archer (or I guess it would be an archeress? Is that a word?), and fleeing soldier. I’ve considered before going back and revamping this story. *shrugs* Maybe one day.

Award for Writing: When I was thirteen I got several pieces of poetry published in magazines. I even received money for some of them and got one piece into a poetry collection. It was pretty cool for my younger self and gave me a huge boost of confidence to keep going in the writing world. XD

Publication: I have a short story going to be published in the Seize the Fight anthology! EEEH!! (More information to be shared about that soon.)

Conference: Last year I went to my first writing conference and it was one of the best experiences of my life! I highly recommend them to young writers. Believe me, they will help you more than you might think.

Query/Pitch: I accidently pitched my current novel to an agent at the conference I went to last year. I was asking her to critique it for me but instead she asked me to send the book to her when I finished!


Genre: I’ve realized more and more lately that my favorite genre and comfort reads are always contemporary. Something about it feels so real and relatable to me that I love time and time again. That being said though, I love all kinds of genres and read very widely.

Author: Hmm. This is a tough pick! I love Caroline George’s writing style and Dearest Josephine is simply a masterpiece! Buuut… I don’t approve of some of the content in her stories so I have a hard time calling her a favorite author. Jennifer A. Nielsen is a spectacular writer and The False Prince has really inspired a lot of my writing!

Writing Music: Any of Abbie Emmon’s immersive writing playlists. ‘Nough said.

Time to Write: This is always changing. XD Most consistently it’s about mid afternoon when the day’s hit a bit of a loll and everyone is just chilling. That’s when I sneak away and write. But if I could pick a time, I would probably say early morning but that’s not always the case. (It depends on whether my brain’s functioning that early or not. XD Though when I say early morning, my version is getting up at five to write so maybe I do it to myself.)

Writing Snack/Drink: Really, anything that’s handy and fast will do. I’m not picky. For a drink, tea all the way! Any flavor, I’ll take it.

Movie: Hmm. I’m honestly not sure! Maybe Robin Hood?

Writing Memory: Again with the hard questions! XD The first thing that comes to mind was when I wrote ten thousand words in one day. I was so brain dead and exhausted but it felt so… good. So right. I don’t know. The feeling was unexplainable. Like I just did one of the hardest things ever but it felt amazing.

Childhood Book: You can call me a cliche but I have to say Anne of Green Gables. Anne inspired so much of my writing at the time (which is very evident whenever I read my earlier stories. XD).


Reading: Last night I started reading Authentically Izzy by Pepper Basham and it is one of the cutest books I’ve read in a while! It’s so sweet and is making me want to dive head first into my collection of classics. XD

Writing: I’m actually in between projects right now which feels really nice. I just finished editing a novel and now I’m trying to figure out which novel I’m going to work on next. I’m leaning towards one that I started writing last Nanowrimo and have been dying to get back to ever since! It has summer vibes, an old lighthouse, and a super fun friend group.

Listening to: To the Dreamers by For King and Country. This song has been on repeat lately. <33

Watching: I’ve been working at catching up on Abbie Emmons‘s writing videos. They are so amazing and have helped me in my writing journey so much! I’ve gotten rather behind on them though and have been enjoying binge watching when I can.

Learning: Okay, call me a nerd if you want, but I’ve actually been learning computer coding. I have a massive bucket list with the most random things on it that I want to learn. Computer coding is on it. XD And so when I decided recently that I wanted to try focusing more on life and not always on writing so much, for some reason one of the first things I decided I wanted to do was computer coding! Weird, I know. But I’m in love!


Want to be Published: Yes! Is this even a question??

Indie or Traditional: I would love to do both actually! My dream has always been to traditional publish but I’ve since discovered a lot of pros to indie publishing as well. So, yeah. Lord willing, you can expect both from me in the future!

Wildest Goal: Can I just say all of them? XD I feel like all of my goals are so wild and crazy that they’ll probably never happen. But one can hope, right? The wildest one I can think of right now would either be going on a hot air balloon ride or traveling to all 50 states. Yes, I would seriously love to do both of these things. XD And that doesn’t even scratch the surface.


~ M.L. Milligan

~ Saraina Whitney

~ Sisters Three

~ Grace Johnson

~ Kristina Hall

~ And anyone else who wants to do it!


I did it! Not as bad as I thought it would be… I think. XD You’ll have to tell me what you thought of it as well as a few facts about your own writerly self! Feel free to pick any of the questions above and answer them in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear your answers to them!

Your turn!

What are a few facts about yourself? What was your first novel about? Do you want to indie or traditional publish?

Blessings, Allyson

22 thoughts on “The Get to Know Me Tag (Writer’s Edition)

  1. This was so fun, Allyson! Loved it! The girls and I did this one last year…but it might be time to revisit and maybe do it separately so there’s more room to expound without making the lost a hundred miles long…lol…
    Thanks so much for the tag!
    And yes! Traveling all 50 states would be incredible! I’ve been to quite a few of the lower 49 already, but I’d love to actually send a few days in each instead a night here and there while on the way to further out locations…lol…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kayti!! I’m so glad! Haha! Yeah, you should totally do that!!
      Wouldn’t it?? *All the heart eyes* That would be quite the accomplishment for sure. Oh wow! Good job! Yeah, same. I’ve been to a decent amount of states on the Eastern side of the U.S. but some of them not for very long. When I see all 50 I don’t want to have just “seen” them, I want to have spent the night and visited the most popular places. 😂 Maybe that’s why it feels unrealistic, lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think we’re gonna do it!
        Lol…right! Same! I’ve been too (like actually stayed at least a day or night) NC, SC, GA, TN, KY, ME, OK, TX, CO, AZ, NM, MO, AL, WV, PA, KS, AK, and VA…most of them just for a day or so…but I also live in a tri-state area so I’ve passed through 3 states to get to church in about 25 minutes…lol…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yay!! That’s great! I can’t wait to read that post!! <33
        Oh wow!! That's even more impressive than I realized!! XD That's totally awesome! Man, I need to get around to some more states, lol! XD


    1. Thanks!! Yeah, it ended up being a lot of fun! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. 🥰 Hmm. So I’m not sure what year the movie is but it’s the one with Errol Flynn. The ONLY Robin Hood there is. 😏😆

      Liked by 1 person

  2. LOL, I feel the teaching yourself to be ambidextrous. And ooh, you don’t know if your eyes are hazel or brown?
    *plops you down on a chair, slides my glasses on (well, they’re already on, thus defeating the purpose of trying to be cool), and sits across from you in my chair*
    Well, now, you MUST look at your eyes in a mirror with some proper sunlight. If your eyes have green in them along with the brown, as well as some gold and maybe blue (check the Internet for me, will you XD?), you have hazel eyes. Or you might have central heterochromia.
    *grins in strange obsession with hazel eyes*
    And CONGRATS TO BEING PUBLISHED IN SEIZE THE FIGHT!!!!! *throws confetti and balloons and offers you … tea and … whatever is edible and lovely to consume XD*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!! It’s hard. 😂 I haven’t given up yet… Just taken a slight break in learning, lol.
      Haha!! Well I’ve always been told they were hazel but I always feel they’re just brown. Okay, so you made me look again and I guess I would say they’re hazel! Right now they’re a light brown color but the outer rim is green. They’re cool to watch though because sometimes they’re mostly green with just a bit of brown. So yeah, I guess they’re hazel! XD I love your fascination! I have to know now, what color are your eyes?
      Ahhhh, thanks so much!!!! I’m SO excited!!!!! Lol! *Accepts it all* 😆


      1. *salutes you* Carry on, soldier! 😀
        *gasps in excitement* YEEEEEES, ANOTHER HAZEL-EYED HUMAN!!!! Mine are also hazel, so that would explain my excitement over hazel eyes LOL. But oooooh, your eyes sound prettyyyyyyyyy!! *happy sigh*
        Hehe, yes, you may have it all. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha!! That’s super cool! I like hazel eyes too! 🥰 I think it’s super cool how they can change colors. Aww, thanks!! Do yours ever turn blue? I only ever notice mine being brown or green.


      3. Hehe, our eyes have superpowers. *happy smirk* Nah, mine don’t turn blue. Although evidently, when I was a baby, my eyes were blue once … ? That would’ve been interesting LOL.

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      4. Haha!! YES!!! XD Aww, too bad! My sister’s do sometime. Wow! That’s cool!!


  3. I loved reading this! If you can eat AND still focus on writing, you have achieved something in my book. I feel like everytime I have a snack while writing, I’m not actually focused on writing. I’m focused on what color my next gummy bear will be. 🤪

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad!! 💙 Haha!! That’s hilarious! 😆 I’m quite the opposite. If I don’t have something to eat while I’m writing then I’m probably focusing more on all the snacks I could be having instead of what I’m writing. XD High metabolism problems. 🙄🤣

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  4. You’re in Seize the Fight?!! AHH!!! I can’t wait to read your story!!!

    This was such a fun tag and I loved reading your answers! ✨😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I am!!! I’m so, so super excited!! This will be the first short story I’ve ever had published!! And this story has my heart completely so I can’t wait for others to read it as well. 🥰

      Thanks! It turned out to be a lot of fun to write! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

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